29/03/2017 - Projects
School of Robotics partner in Erasmus Plus and H2020 projects

School of Robotics is partner in Erasmus + and H2020 European projects, centered around Strategic Partnerships for Education. ICT and Educational Robotics for an Innovative, Open, and Inclusive Education.
WoW (http://wowyouth.eu/)
The WoW project is targeted at supporting the youth workers to develop youngsters' skills and competences for employability and requires international setting of the partnership, which will allow multi-perspective to the development of the intellectual outputs and will bring wider relevance of the content and the approaches, which will be produced.
RoboESL (http://roboesl.eu/)
RoboESL (Robotics-based learning interventions for preventing school failure and Early School Leaving) is an ERASMUS+ Project whose aim is to exploit the potential of robotics for developing extra-curricular constructivist learning activities in schools that will help children at risk of failure or Early School Leaving (ESL). RoboESL metodology supports students' development of techno scientific practice, their creativity skills, raise self-esteem, motivate their interest in schooling, and finally to encourage them towards staying at school.
SlideWiki (https://slidewiki.eu/)
A major obstacle to increase the efficiency, effectiveness and quality of education in Europe is the lack of widely available, accessible, multilingual, timely, engaging and high-quality educational material (i.e. OpenCourseWare). The creation of comprehensive OpenCourseWare (OCW) is tedious, time-consuming and expensive with the effect that often courseware employed by teachers, instructors and professors is incomplete, outdated, inaccessible to those with disabilities and dull. With the open-source SlideWiki platform (available at SlideWiki.org) the effort of the creation, translation and evolution of highly-structured remixable OCW can be widely shared (i.e. crowdsourced).
ROIP (Robotics Ovr Internet Protocol)
The main goal of the project is constructing a remote (via-internet) control system for the professional industry robot and NAO (humanoid shape robot). We will create multilingugal (in all partners languages) video SWIFT programming course available as Open Educational Resource. Schools participating in the project will have an opportunity to evaluate their own curriculums and to choose solutions, effectively used in partner countries, which succour the educational process. The labour market cooperation will influence the awareness of correlation between knowledge and practice. It will show practical ways of using it and it will familiarise the participants with different technological solutions. We will get the most actual knowledge used in real life.