03/07/2015 - Courses for Teachers, Events
V Summer School of School of Robotics for teachers, tutors, parents, grand-parents. Robotics for Everyone!

School of Robotics helds the V Summer School for Everyone: July 14-16 in San Salvatore di Gogorno (Villaggio del Ragazzo). The workshop will pivot around the issues of New media and digital technology. Here how to apply.
V Summer School for School of Robotics
New media and digital technology
San Salvatore di Cogorno (Genoa)
WHEN: July 14th 15th and 16th 2015
TIME: 14th of July, 10:30 - 17:00
July 15th 09:30 - 17:00
July 16th 09:30 - 17:00
PARTICIPANTS: Ages 19 and older
ENROLLMENT FEE: Early Birds: 230£ by May 31st From June 1st: 280£
(the fee includes three days of laboratories, material for courses, three lunch breaks, and 6 light lunches).
WHERE: Villaggio del Ragazzo, San Salvatore di Cogorno (Genova)
WELCOME MEETING: 13th of July, 17:30 to 19:00
At the time of registration, a full payment is required:
Bank transfer to Scuola di Robotica, Banca Prossima, Filiale 05000, piazza Paolo Ferrari 10, 20121 Milano
IBAN: IT60 F033 5901 6001 0000 0063 175
Please mail a pdf of the bank transfer to info@scuoladirobotica.it with the name of the participant, and your telephone number.
Contact Info: info@scuoladirobotica.it -- Tel. 348 09 61 616
ONCE REGISTERED You will be receving a form to be filled (information about you child/childeren), and the Full Program.
ACCOMODATIONS Villaggio del Ragazzo has reserved a number of rooms at agreed prices for School of Robotics participants. The half board prices per person is 33 €, discount for families and children. Discount for multiple rooms aswell.
For information and reservations contact Ms Antonella Aveggio: cell 348 77 27 210 – email antonella.aveggio@villaggio.org
CANCELLATION: School of Robotics reserves the right to cancel the reservation with a 90% refund by June 15th.
From San Salvatore di Cogorno one could easily reach many beautiful cities of Ligurian Riviera like Camogli, Portofino, Santa Margherita Ligure, Rapallo, Chiavari, Sestri Levante, Moneglia, Cinque Terre, and Portovenere.